山姥での神山町試住体験記 -SIJU Experience at Yamanba in Kamiyama- | KATALOG
山姥での神山町試住体験記 -SIJU Experience at Yamanba in Kamiyama-

山姥での神山町試住体験記 -SIJU Experience at Yamanba in Kamiyama-

穴井 祐介
穴井 祐介



今回のKATALOG WEBでは、2016年4月29日から6月14日までゲストハウス山姥に滞在したCash家族に、神山町と山姥の印象について話を聞きましたので、ご紹介したいと思います!

Hello, this is Yusuke working as a global marketing staff.

This time, I would like to introduce about the guests, Cash family who stayed at Guest house Yamanba from the 29th April to the 14th June 2016. I interviewed them about their impression of Kamiyama town and Guest house Yamanba.

Title’s SIJU stands Trial Stay in Japanese.

Cash family is composed of a couple and their child, and they come from Portland, Oregon.
This is the 4th time for them to visit Japan, and I want to know why they come to Kamiyama.

Q1. What brought you to Kamiyama town? How did you know about Kamiyama?

A1. A relative shared an article about Kamiyama that instantly intrigued us.
We were drawn to Kamiyama’s beauty and the openness of creative young families who want to escape the business of city life. The ability to live deep in the mountains yet still have fiber internet is incredible. We didn’t even have fiber internet in Portland. We have been wanting to live in Japan for quite some time now yet needed a break from the big city life. So, though we love Tokyo and have friends there, we really wanted to spend more time in nature and live a simpler life. Kamiyama has everything we’ve been looking for. We’re excited to get more involved in the community and settle in.

Portland is the northwest area in the United States. Near Seattle where is famous for the birthplace of Starbucks Corporation.
Portland is the northwest area in the United States. Near Seattle where is famous for the birthplace of Starbucks Corporation.

Q2. Nowadays, Portland is focused globally on the brand-new community design as well as Kamiyama.  What is the most different and interesting thing between Portland and Kamiyama? I guess in regards to atmosphere or people’s personalities in Kamiyama.

A2. Everyone in Kamiyama has been so welcoming and generous! The first few days here we made so many new friends. They brought us gifts and shared helpful advice about living in town. Of course there are plenty of kind and generous people in Portland but there is much to say about the differences between a big city and a small town like Kamiyama. Portland is faster paced, the people are busier in general, and it’s easy to go unnoticed amongst a sea of people. In Kamiyama, you see many of the same faces day to day around town. You bump into someone you know at just about every turn. People have more time to stop and chat. It’s a refreshing change of pace for sure.

Williamette River flows through the central of Portland. Picture from Wikipedia.
Williamette River flows through the central of Portland. Picture from Wikipedia.

Q3. What is your impression of the Japanese traditional house’s?

A3. A large part of the allure of Japan to us is the architecture. The unique mixture of minimalism and ornate details stand in such contrast to the homes we are used to in the United States.
There’s a level of passion and artistry found in many of the traditional homes of Japan that simply wasn’t present in the homes we encountered in the U.S. We love the old traditional homes and find it upsetting that so many of them are being abandoned and left to rot. We have a deep desire to restore some of these older homes and give them a new life.

Q4. Where is your favourite spot to visit in Kamiyama? If you don’t mind, could you please show some pictures to blog readers?

A4. We love the park area next to the river by the Kamiyama Onsen. There’s a little playground for our son to play on and it’s a lovely spot to go down and skip rocks in the river.

The park area near the Kamiyama Onsen. Children can run around there.
The park area near the Kamiyama Onsen. Children can run around there.

Q5. How did you feel about the climate? I guess it is high humidity in Japanese summer.

A5. Sherry and I both have spent most of our lives in Florida which is mostly very hot and humid. Though we are familiar with the climate I can’t say we are the biggest fans of intense heat. One nice thing about Kamiyama though is the abundance of beautiful swimming holes. It’s been great to go down to the river and splash around with our son on a hot day.

The river near Yamanba. I wanna jump into!
The river near Yamanba. I wanna jump into!

Q6. Portland is the lively epicenter of young creaters such as DIY. What Japanese culture do you want to tell to your friends about? Let us know what you found in Tokushima.

A6. Though we have yet to experience any of the festivals here we have read about them and seen many photographs. We will be returning to Kamiyama for Obon and several of our friends and relatives will be visiting us during that time. We are very excited to share the experience with our loved ones.

Q7. What foods do you like in Tokushima? Tokushima is famous for Shiitake mushroom, Sudachi citrus, Kamiyama chicken and Japanese apricot.

A7. We had never tried Sudachi before and we’ve really enjoyed all the various ways we’ve tried it used. Everything from sudachi sodas to sudachi cookies have been delicious.
We really admire traditional Japanese cooking and the way it’s presented. So we’ve enjoyed going many local restaurants and trying their featured set meals.

Q8. Guest house Yamanba is definitely located in the heart of mountain. What do  you think about the nature of Japanese rural area?

A8. A large part of our desire to live in Kamiyama is the beauty of its’ nature. Being surrounded by rivers, waterfalls, misty mountains and lush forests is truly special. We’ve long wanted to live in an area as beautiful as Kamiyama, so we’re very excited to be here.

Cash family wants to settle in Kamiyama town.

Q9. Could you please tell me your future plans in Kamiyama?

A9. We are very excited to be moving into a home soon that was an old kimono shop on the main street in town. It needs quite a bit of work but we are passionate about bringing this beautiful home back to life. The whole entrance to the house is a storefront, so we will be working to create a shop or cafe of sorts there. We have lots of concepts and ideas but are still deciding exactly what we’ll do with the space. We really hope to add something special to the community, something that is needed and welcomed by the locals and visitors alike. Beyond the home and storefront we are looking forward to making new friends, gardening, and enjoying a simpler lifestyle in this wonderful town.

I would like to appreciate Mr.Kevin Cash to cooperate for making this article.
Finally, I would like to recommend you to take a look following Kevin’s home page.


Guest house Yamanba is the best place for the urbun people to experience the rural lifestyle. I really recommend here to the people who want to move into the Japanese rural area.
Many people have got absorbed in staying at Yamanba. Actually, I am the one of them lol.

Kamiyama is the inclusive town which gathers the satellite offices of IT companies, creators, artists and so on. We RELATION inc. continue to spread the brand-new information of Kamiyama from Yamanba.


Q1. どういった経緯で神山町に来ることになりましたか?

A1. ある親戚が神山に関する記事を見せてくれて、すぐに興味を持ちました。


Q2. 今、ポートランドも神山町も、先進的な街づくりの取組みが世界的な注目を集めています。 この2つの都市について、最も違っていて、面白いと思う点はどこでしょうか? やはり、町並みや人の気質でしょうか?

A2. 神山に住んでいる人は皆、歓迎してくれますし、とても心が広いです! 最初の数日で、すぐにたくさんの友人ができました。皆、おすそ分けをしてくれますし、神山町で生活するための手助けをしてくれます。もちろんポートランドにも親切な人や、心が広い人は多く住んでいます。ですが、ポートランドは生活のペースが早く、一般的に皆忙しく、人の波で溢れています。神山では、いつもどこかで知人とばったり会い、立ち止まっておしゃべりする時間が持てます。生活のペースが、さわやかに変化していることを実感しています。


Q3. そんなポートランドから日本の山奥にある古民家に1ヶ月間滞在したのですが、山姥の印象はどうですか?

A3. 私たちは山姥の建築技法に大きな魅力を感じています。。ミニマリズムと細かな装飾の華やかさが特徴的に合わさっており、アメリカ合衆国で使用されている家屋とは対照的です。多くの日本の伝統的な家屋には、情熱と芸術的な技術が込められており、アメリカで見てきた家屋には存在しません。私たちは日本の古民家が大好きですが、とても多くの古民家が放置され、腐敗していくことが気にかかっています。こういった古民家を保護し、新しく活用していく事に強い意欲があります。

Q4. では、神山町で一番好きな場所どこですか?差し支えなければ写真を見せてください。

A4. 神山温泉の近くにある公園が大好きです。子どもが遊べる遊具があり、川で水切りするのに最高の場所があります。


Q5. 日本の夏は高い湿度が特徴的ですが、気候はどうでしたか?過ごしやすかったですか?

A5. 妻のSherryと私は、アメリカ国内で最も暑く、湿度の高いフロリダ州で人生の大半を過ごしてきました。この気候に慣れてはいますが、強烈な暑さが大好きとは言えません。神山は川がとても美しいので、泳げる場所が多いところが良いですね。暑い日は川へ行き、子どもと水遊びをしたことが最高に楽しかったです。


Q6. ポートランドは、DIY(Do It Yourself)をはじめとした若者文化の発信地ですが、徳島、もしくは神山町で知った日本文化で、友人に紹介したいものはありますか?

A6. 徳島県の祭りをまだ体験できていませんが、本で読んだり、多くの写真を見たことがあります。お盆の時期に神山へ戻り、友人や親戚を招いて、一緒に過ごす予定です。

Q7. 徳島といえば椎茸やすだち、神山といえば鶏肉や梅が特産品ですが、好きな食べ物は何ですか?

A7. これまで、すだちを口にしたことがありませんでしたが、すだちを使った飲み物や食べ物は、全て大好きです。すだちソーダからすだちクッキーまで、全部おいしいです。日本の伝統的な料理や調理方法をすばらしいと感じています。多くの地元レストランに行き、おすすめ定食を楽しみました。

Q8. ゲストハウス山姥は、とても山深い場所に位置していますが、日本の里山地域の自然についてはどう思いますか?

A8. 川や滝、霧深い山や青々と茂った森は、間違いなく特別な良さをもっています。私たちは、神山のように美しい場所に住みたいとずっと考えていたので、ここにいられてとても嬉しいです。


Q9. 移住後はどういう生活を考えていますか?

A9. 神山町のメインストリートに面している、以前は着物屋だった場所に引っ越すことが待ち遠しいです。いくつか改修が必要ですが、再び住める状態に戻すことに情熱を燃やしています。玄関を店頭にして、お店かカフェをオープンしようと計画しています。とてもたくさんのコンセプトやアイデアがありますが、まだ決めかねています。地域住民や町の外から訪れる人たちに必要とされ、歓迎されるような特別なものを地域に加えることを望んでいます。ステキなこの町で、自宅やお店以外にも、新しく友人をつくったり、庭づくりをしたり、シンプルなライフスタイルを楽しむことが待ち遠しいです。

今回のKATALOG WEB作成にあたり、丁寧に取材協力をしていただいたKevin Cashさんに感謝の気持ちを伝えたいと思います。







穴井 祐介

穴井 祐介



